Erica Lonergan and Michael Poznansky (2025). “A Tale of Two Typhoons: Properly Diagnosing Chinese Cyber Threats.” War on the Rocks.
Michael Poznansky and William Wohlforth (2025). “The Real Risks of Escalation in Ukraine.” Foreign Affairs.
Jason Vogt, Nina Kollars, and Michael Poznansky (2024). “Should Taiwan Attempt to Replicate the Zelensky Playbook?” War on the Rocks.
Michael Poznansky (2024). “The Ukraine-Taiwan Tradeoff.” Foreign Affairs.
Chris Demchak, Michael Poznansky, and Sam Tangredi (2023). “A Divorce Between the Navy and Cyber Command Would Be Dangerous.” War on the Rocks.
Erica Lonergan and Michael Poznansky (2023). “Are We Asking Too Much of Cyber?” War on the Rocks.
Nina Kollars and Michael Poznansky (2021). "Statecraft and Strategy and the Eroding Monopoly of Cyber Intelligence." Council on Foreign Relations' Net Politics Blog.
Michael Poznansky (2021). "Confronting Cyber Threats: Challenges and Opportunities." Modern War Institute.
Michael Poznansky (2021). "The Appeal of Covert Action: Psychology and the Future of Irregular Warfare." Modern War Institute.
Michael Poznansky (2021). "Covert Action, Espionage, and the Intelligence Contest in Cyberspace." War on the Rocks.
Michael Poznansky (2020). "The United Nations and the Accidental Rise of Covert Intervention." Lawfare.
Michael Poznansky and Mindy Haas (2020). "As US-China Competition Grows, Will Covert Regime Change Make a Return?" The Diplomat.
Michael Joseph, Michael Poznansky, and William Spaniel (2019). "National Security Whistleblower Reform is a Sticky Wicket.'' War on the Rocks.
Evan Perkoski and Michael Poznansky (2018). "U.S. Cyber Command Targeted Russian Operatives to Deter Election Meddling. Here's Why." Council on Foreign Relations' Net Politics Blog.
Michael Poznansky and William Spaniel (2018). "The Logic of Credible Commitments in the Covert Sphere." Political Violence at a Glance.
Michael Poznansky and Evan Perkoski (2018). "Did the U.S. 'Hack Back' At Russia? Here's Why This Matters in Cyberwarfare." Washington Post (Monkey Cage).
Michael Poznansky (2017). "Correspondence: Friends, Foes, and Foreign-Imposed Regime Change." International Security 42(2): 191-195.
Michael Poznansky (2017). "What the JFK Assassination Files Can Tell Us About the U.S. Plot to Kill Castro." Washington Post (Monkey Cage).
Evan Perkoski and Michael Poznansky (2016). "An Eye for an Eye: Deterring Russian Cyber Intrusions." War on the Rocks.
Michael Poznansky and Keith L. Carter (2016). "NATO Members are Supposed to be Democratic. What Happens When Turkey Isn't?" Washington Post (Monkey Cage).
Michael Poznansky (2016). "The Ordinary and the Unique in Russia's Electoral Information Warfare Game." War on the Rocks.
Austin Carson and Michael Poznansky (2016). "The Logic for (Shoddy) Covert Action in Syria." War on the Rocks.
Craig Neuman and Michael Poznansky (2016). "Swaggering in Cyberspace: Busting the Conventional Wisdom on Cyber Coercion." War on the Rocks.
Michael Poznansky and Evan Perkoski (2016). "Attribution and Secrecy in Cyberspace." War on the Rocks.
Michael Poznansky (2015). "Critical Stasis: A Reply to Barkawi." ISQ Online Symposia. [Reply by Barkawi, Tarak (2015). "Red Herrings, Split Hairs, and Small Wars." ISQ Online Symposia.]