
  • Michael Poznansky. Great Power, Great Responsibility: How the Liberal International Order Shapes U.S. Foreign Policy (forthcoming with Oxford University Press).

  • Michael Poznansky (2020). In the Shadow of International Law: Secrecy and Regime Change in the Postwar World. New York: Oxford University Press.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Peer-Reviewed Chapters

  • Michael Poznansky (Forthcoming). “The Causes and Consequences of U.S. Covert Action.” In The Oxford Handbook of National Security Intelligence, 2nd edition. Loch K. Johnson, ed. (Oxford University Press).

  • Michael Poznansky (Forthcoming). “Secrecy, Deception, Cyber, and Navies.” In Cyber Warfare and Navies. Chris Demchak and Sam Tangredi, eds. (Naval Institute Press).

  • Nina Kollars and Michael Poznansky (Forthcoming). “The Cyberecurity Firm and the State: Disclosure, Escalation, and Non-Military Warfare in Cyberspace.” In The Threat and Dynamics of Non-Military Warfare. Oscar Jonsson and Ilmari Käihkö, eds. (Routledge Advances in Defence Studies).

  • Jon R. Lindsay and Michael Poznansky (2024). “The Cat in the Hat and Cyber Warfare.” In Dr. Seuss and the Art of War. Montgomery McFate, ed. (Rowman & Littlefield).

  • Michael Poznansky (2024). “Enduring Challenges in Cyberspace.” In Great Power Cyber Competition: Competing and Winning in the Information Environment. David V. Gioe and Margaret W. Smith, eds. (Routledge Advances in Defence Studies).

  • Kyle Lascurettes and Michael Poznansky (2021). "International Order in Theory and Practice." In The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies (Oxford University Press). doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.673.

  • Evan Perkoski and Michael Poznansky (2018). "Offense and Defense in Cyberspace." In Military Strategy, Joint Operations, and Airpower: An Introduction. Ryan Burke, Michael Fowler, and Kevin McCaskey, eds. (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press), 166-179.


  • Daniel Grobarcik, William Loomis, Michael Poznansky, and Frank Smith (2022). “Wargaming to Find a Safe Port in a Cyber Storm.” Atlantic Council Issue Brief.

Working Papers and Work in Progress

  • “Success and Failure in Cyberspace.” With Lennart Maschmeyer.

  • "Institutional Design, Enforcement Problems, and War." With William Spaniel.